Predictions of transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) are given in GFF3 format ( File contains comments (lines starting with single hash "#"), meta-data (lines starting with double hash "##"), and predicted sites. Site record contains 9 columns separated by tabs. Column 1: "seqid" The ID of the landmark used to establish the coordinate system for the current feature. In our case it is chromosome ID. Column 2: "source" This field describes method used for predicting the feature. In our case these are "Motevo" and "IRUS". Column3: "type" Type of the feature. In our case it is "Transcription_factor_binding_site" or "TFBS". Column4: "start" Start position of the feature in 1-based integer coordinate system. Column5: "end" End position of the feature in 1-based integer coordinate system. Column6: "score" Posterior probability of the site. Column7: "strand" Strand of the feature. "+" for positive strand and "-" for negative strand Column8: "phase" Not defined for TFBS. Column9: "attributes" A list of feature attributes given in format tag=value. Tags: "ID" - unique ID of the feature. "Name" - name of the feature. For TFBS has the same value as ID. "WM" - name of weight matrix of the TFBS. "Sequence" - sequence of the TFBS. "Promoter" - ID of intergenic region of the TFBS. Has form of gene1-gene2/seqid:start..end. "Alignments" - Sequences of the same site found in orthologous sequences. Given in pairs organism:sequence separated by "|".